ñêà÷àòü ðåôåðàòû


Áûñòðûé ïîèñê

ñêà÷àòü ðåôåðàòû

ñêà÷àòü ðåôåðàòûÐåôåðàò: Êîíòðîëëåð ñâÿçûâàåìûõ îáúåêòîâ

 Open App.Path & "\RegisterCards" For Output As FileNumber

 Write #FileNumber, TotalRegCo, RegistrationCo

 For a = 0 To RegistrationCo

 With Registrations(a)

 Write #FileNumber, .TotalNumber, .Discription, .FileName, .NameApp, .FileMask

 End With

 Next a

 Close FileNumber

 Exit Sub


 Select Case MsgBox("Ïðîèçîøëà îøèáêà ïðè ïîïûòêå çàïèñàòü ôàéë ðåãèñòðàöèè." _

 & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Err.Number & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _

 Err.Description, vbAbortRetryIgnore + vbCritical)

 Case vbAbort


 Case vbRetry

 Resume 0

 End Select

End Sub

Public Sub MemberDocumentProperty(DocNumber As Integer)

 Documents(DocNumber).ImageText = MakeDocForm.IconText.Text

 Documents(DocNumber).ImageIcon = MakeDocForm.ImageIconText.Caption

 Documents(DocNumber).Discription = MakeDocForm.Discrip.Text

 Documents(DocNumber).FileName = MakeDocForm.DocumentName.Text

 Documents(DocNumber).CreateDateTime = MakeDocForm.Label4(0).Caption

 If MakeDocForm.Combo1.ListIndex = RegistrationCo + 1 Then

 Documents(DocNumber).UsedProgramm = -1


 Documents(DocNumber).UsedProgramm = Registrations(MakeDocForm.Combo1.ListIndex).TotalNumber

 End If


End Sub

Public Sub SaveProject(ProjectName As String)

 Dim FileNumber As Integer

 Dim a As Integer

 Dim b As Integer

 On Error GoTo Err1

 FileNumber = FreeFile

 Open ProjectName For Output As FileNumber

 Write #FileNumber, TotalDocCo, TotalFunCo, DocumentCo, FunctionCo

 For a = 0 To DocumentCo

 With Documents(a)

 Write #FileNumber, .TotalNumber, .FileName, .CreateDateTime, .UsedProgramm, _

 .Discription, .ImageIcon, .ImageText, .X, .Y, .OutputFunPointCo, _


 For b = 0 To .OutputFunPointCo

 Write #FileNumber, .OutputFunPoints(b)

 Next b

 For b = 0 To .OutputDocPointCo

 Write #FileNumber, .OutputDocPoints(b)

 Next b

 End With

 Next a

 For a = 0 To FunctionCo

 With Functions(a)

 Write #FileNumber, .TotalNumber, .FileName, .CreateDateTime, .UsedProgramm, _

 .AutomatFunction, .AutoExeFlag, .AskBeforeExe, .Discription, _

 .ImageIcon, .ImageText, .X, .Y, .DocumentsAndFunctionsLink, _

 .OutputFunPointCo, .OutputDocPointCo, .InputFunPointCo, _


 For b = 0 To .OutputFunPointCo

 Write #FileNumber, .OutputFunPoints(b)

 Next b

 For b = 0 To .OutputDocPointCo

 Write #FileNumber, .OutputDocPoints(b)

 Next b

 For b = 0 To .InputFunPointCo

 Write #FileNumber, .InputFunPoints(b)

 Next b

 For b = 0 To .InputDocPointCo

 Write #FileNumber, .InputDocPoints(b)

 Next b

 End With

 Next a

 Close FileNumber

 Exit Sub


 Select Case MsgBox("Ïðîèçîøëà îøèáêà ïðè ïîïûòêå çàïèñàòü ôàéë ïðîåêòà." _

 & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Err.Number & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _

 Err.Description, vbAbortRetryIgnore + vbCritical)

 Case vbAbort


 Case vbRetry

 Resume 0

 End Select

End Sub

Public Sub LoadRegCards()

On Error GoTo Err1

 Dim FileNumber As Integer

 Dim a As Integer

 FileNumber = FreeFile

 Open App.Path & "\RegisterCards" For Input As FileNumber

 Input #FileNumber, TotalRegCo, RegistrationCo

 If RegistrationCo = -1 Then

 Close FileNumber

 Exit Sub

 End If

 ReDim Registrations(RegistrationCo)

 For a = 0 To RegistrationCo

 With Registrations(a)

 Input #FileNumber, .TotalNumber, .Discription, .FileName, .NameApp, .FileMask

 End With

 Next a

 Close FileNumber

 Exit Sub


 Select Case MsgBox("Ïðîèçîøëà îøèáêà ïðè ïîïûòêå ñ÷èòàòü ôàéë ðåãèñòðàöèè." _

 & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Err.Number & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _

 Err.Description, vbAbortRetryIgnore + vbCritical)

 Case vbAbort


 Case vbRetry

 Resume 0

 Case vbIgnore

 RegistrationCo = -1

 End Select

End Sub

Public Sub LoadProject(ProjectName As String)

 On Error GoTo Err1

 Dim FileNumber As Integer

 Dim a As Integer

 Dim b As Integer

 FileNumber = FreeFile

 Open ProjectName For Input As FileNumber

 Input #FileNumber, TotalDocCo, TotalFunCo, DocumentCo, FunctionCo

 If DocumentCo <> -1 Then

 ReDim Documents(DocumentCo)

 For a = 0 To DocumentCo

 With Documents(a)

 Input #FileNumber, .TotalNumber, .FileName, .CreateDateTime, .UsedProgramm, _

 .Discription, .ImageIcon, .ImageText, .X, .Y, .OutputFunPointCo, _


 If .OutputFunPointCo <> -1 Then

 ReDim .OutputFunPoints(.OutputFunPointCo)

 For b = 0 To .OutputFunPointCo

 Input #FileNumber, .OutputFunPoints(b)

 Next b

 End If

 If .OutputFunPointCo <> -1 Then

 ReDim .OutputDocPoints(.OutputDocPointCo)

 For b = 0 To .OutputDocPointCo

 Input #FileNumber, .OutputDocPoints(b)

 Next b

 End If

 End With

 Next a

 End If

 If FunctionCo <> -1 Then

 ReDim Functions(FunctionCo)

 For a = 0 To FunctionCo

 With Functions(a)

 Input #FileNumber, .TotalNumber, .FileName, .CreateDateTime, .UsedProgramm, _

 .AutomatFunction, .AutoExeFlag, .AskBeforeExe, .Discription, _

 .ImageIcon, .ImageText, .X, .Y, .DocumentsAndFunctionsLink, _

 .OutputFunPointCo, .OutputDocPointCo, .InputFunPointCo, _


 If .OutputFunPointCo <> -1 Then

 ReDim .OutputFunPoints(.OutputFunPointCo)

 For b = 0 To .OutputFunPointCo

 Input #FileNumber, .OutputFunPoints(b)

 Next b

 End If

 If .OutputDocPointCo <> -1 Then

 ReDim .OutputDocPoints(.OutputDocPointCo)

 For b = 0 To .OutputDocPointCo

 Input #FileNumber, .OutputDocPoints(b)

 Next b

 End If

 If .InputFunPointCo <> -1 Then

 ReDim .InputFunPoints(.InputFunPointCo)

 For b = 0 To .InputFunPointCo

 Input #FileNumber, .InputFunPoints(b)

 Next b

 End If

 If .InputDocPointCo <> -1 Then

 ReDim .InputDocPoints(.InputDocPointCo)

 For b = 0 To .InputDocPointCo

 Input #FileNumber, .InputDocPoints(b)

 Next b

 End If

 End With

 Next a

 End If

 Close FileNumber

Exit Sub


 Select Case MsgBox("Ïðîèçîøëà îøèáêà ïðè ïîïûòêå ñ÷èòàòü ôàéë ïðîåêòà." _

 & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Err.Number & Chr(13) & Chr(10) _

 & Err.Description, vbAbortRetryIgnore + vbCritical)

 Case vbAbort


 Case vbRetry

 Resume 0

 Case vbIgnore

 FunctionCo = -1

 DocumentCo = -1

 End Select

End Sub

Public Function GetREGIndex(TotalNumber As Long) As Integer

 Dim a As Integer

 For a = 0 To RegistrationCo

 If Registrations(a).TotalNumber = TotalNumber Then

 GetREGIndex = a

 Exit For

 End If

 Next a

End Function

Public Function GetDOCIndex(TotalNumber As Long) As Integer

 Dim a As Integer

 For a = 0 To DocumentCo

 If Documents(a).TotalNumber = TotalNumber Then

 GetDOCIndex = a

 Exit For

 End If

 Next a

End Function

Public Function GetFUNIndex(TotalNumber As Long) As Integer

 Dim a As Integer

 For a = 0 To FunctionCo

 If Functions(a).TotalNumber = TotalNumber Then

 GetFUNIndex = a

 Exit For

 End If

 Next a

End Function

Public Sub ShowProject()

 Dim a As Integer

 With MainForm

 For a = 0 To DocumentCo

 ImageCo = ImageCo + 1

 Load .ImageIcon(ImageCo)

 .ImageIcon(ImageCo).Top = Documents(a).Y

 .ImageIcon(ImageCo).Left = Documents(a).X

 .ImageIcon(ImageCo).Visible = True

 .ImageIcon(ImageCo).Enabled = True

 .ImageIcon(ImageCo).Picture = LoadPicture(Documents(a).ImageIcon)

 .ImageIcon(ImageCo).Tag = Documents(a).TotalNumber


 Load .ImageText(ImageCo)

 .ImageText(ImageCo).Top = Documents(a).Y + 500

 .ImageText(ImageCo).Left = Documents(a).X

 .ImageText(ImageCo).Visible = True

 .ImageText(ImageCo).Enabled = True

 .ImageText(ImageCo).Caption = Documents(a).ImageText

 .ImageText(ImageCo).Tag = 1

 Next a

End With

End Sub


‘Main Form Code


Option Explicit

Option Base 0

Private Sub Form_DragDrop(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single)

 Dim a As Integer

 Dim dX As Integer

 Dim dY As Integer

 If SelectIs = True Then

 dX = X - Source.Left

 dY = Y - Source.Top

 For a = 0 To ImageCo

 If ImageIcon(a).BorderStyle = 1 Then

 If ImageText(a).Tag = 1 Then

 Documents(GetDOCIndex(ImageIcon(a).Tag)).X = ImageIcon(a).Left + dX

 Documents(GetDOCIndex(ImageIcon(a).Tag)).Y = ImageIcon(a).Top + dY

 End If

 ImageIcon(a).Left = ImageIcon(a).Left + dX

 ImageIcon(a).Top = ImageIcon(a).Top + dY

 ImageText(a).Left = ImageIcon(a).Left

 ImageText(a).Top = ImageIcon(a).Top + 500

 End If

 Next a


 If ImageText(Source.Index).Tag = 1 Then

 Documents(GetDOCIndex(Source.Tag)).X = X

 Documents(GetDOCIndex(Source.Tag)).Y = Y

 End If

 Source.Left = X

 Source.Top = Y

 ImageText(Source.Index).Left = X

 ImageText(Source.Index).Top = Y + 500

 End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

 Dim a As Integer





 For a = 0 To RegistrationCo

 MakeDocForm.Combo1.AddItem Registrations(a).NameApp, a

 Next a

 MakeDocForm.Combo1.AddItem "Èñïîëüçîâàòü ñòàíäàðòíûé îáðàáîò÷èê", RegistrationCo + 1

 MakeDocForm.Combo1.ListIndex = RegistrationCo + 1


 ImageCo = -1

 LoadProject App.Path & "\pro1.prj"


 SaveProject App.Path & "\pro1.prj"


End Sub

Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)


 If Button = 1 Then

 MouseX = X

 MouseY = Y

 SelectOn = True

 With selectrec

 .Visible = True

 .Height = 0

 .Width = 0

 .Left = X

 .Top = Y

 End With

 End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

 If SelectOn = True Then

 With selectrec

 If Y < MouseY Then

 .Top = Y

 .Height = MouseY - Y


 .Top = MouseY

 .Height = Y - MouseY

 End If

 If X < MouseX Then

 .Left = X

 .Width = MouseX - X


 .Left = MouseX

 .Width = X - MouseX

 End If

 End With

 End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

 Dim a As Integer

 If SelectOn = False Then

 MouseX = X

 MouseY = Y

 If Button = 2 Then

 MenuMake.Visible = True

 MenuRegistration.Visible = True

 MenuPropertyes.Visible = False

 MenuSeparator.Visible = False

 If SelectIs = True Then

 MenuDelete.Visible = True

 MenuCut.Visible = True

 MenuCopy.Visible = True


 MenuDelete.Visible = False

 MenuCut.Visible = False

 MenuCopy.Visible = False

 End If

' MenuPaste.Visible = False

 MenuFrom = -1

 MainForm.PopupMenu RightButtonMenuOnForm

 End If


 SelectOn = False

 selectrec.Visible = False

 SelectIs = False

 For a = 0 To ImageCo

 If (ImageIcon(a).Top > selectrec.Top) And _

 (ImageIcon(a).Left > selectrec.Left) And _

 (ImageIcon(a).Top < (selectrec.Top + selectrec.Height)) And _

 (ImageIcon(a).Left < (selectrec.Left + selectrec.Width)) Then


 SelectIs = True

 ImageIcon(a).BorderStyle = 1


 ImageIcon(a).BorderStyle = 0

 End If


 Next a

 End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)

 SaveProject App.Path & "\pro1.prj"


End Sub

Private Sub ImageIcon_MouseMove(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

 If Button = 1 Then


 End If

End Sub

Private Sub ImageIcon_MouseUp(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

 If Button = 2 Then

 MenuMake.Visible = False

 MenuRegistration.Visible = False

 MenuPaste.Visible = False

 MenuPropertyes.Visible = True

 MenuSeparator.Visible = True

 MenuFrom = Index

 PopupMenu RightButtonMenuOnForm

 End If

End Sub

Private Sub Menu_Edit_Click()

 MainForm.PopupMenu RightButtonMenuOnForm

End Sub

Private Sub MenuDelete_Click()

Dim a As Integer

If SelectIs = True Then

 For a = 0 To ImageCo

 If ImageIcon(a).BorderStyle = 1 Then

 Delete a

 End If

 Next a

 SelectIs = False


 Delete MenuFrom

End If

End Sub

Private Sub MenuMakeDocument_Click()

 DocumentCo = DocumentCo + 1

 TotalDocCo = TotalDocCo + 1

 ReDim Preserve Documents(DocumentCo)

 Documents(DocumentCo).X = MouseX

 Documents(DocumentCo).Y = MouseY


 CurDocument = DocumentCo

 DocumentIsChanged = True


 MakeDocForm.Label4(0).Caption = "0"

 MakeDocForm.Label4(1).Caption = str(Now)

 MakeDocForm.Label4(2).Caption = str(Now)

 MakeDocForm.IconText.Text = "Äîêóìåíò"

 MakeDocForm.IconImage.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\DefDoc.ico")

 MakeDocForm.ImageIconText = App.Path & "\DefDoc.ico"

 MakeDocForm.Discrip.Text = ""

 MakeDocForm.DocumentName = ""


 Canceled = False


 MakeDocForm.Show vbModal


 If Canceled = True Then

 DocumentCo = DocumentCo - 1

 TotalDocCo = TotalDocCo - 1

 ReDim Preserve Documents(DocumentCo)

 Exit Sub

 End If

 MemberDocumentProperty DocumentCo

 Documents(DocumentCo).TotalNumber = TotalDocCo

 Documents(DocumentCo).OutputFunPointCo = -1

 Documents(DocumentCo).OutputDocPointCo = -1

 ImageCo = ImageCo + 1

 Load ImageIcon(ImageCo)

 ImageIcon(ImageCo).Top = Documents(DocumentCo).Y

 ImageIcon(ImageCo).Left = Documents(DocumentCo).X

 ImageIcon(ImageCo).Visible = True

 ImageIcon(ImageCo).Enabled = True

 ImageIcon(ImageCo).Picture = LoadPicture(Documents(DocumentCo).ImageIcon)

 ImageIcon(ImageCo).Tag = Documents(DocumentCo).TotalNumber


 Load ImageText(ImageCo)

 ImageText(ImageCo).Top = Documents(DocumentCo).Y + 300

 ImageText(ImageCo).Left = Documents(DocumentCo).X

 ImageText(ImageCo).Visible = True

 ImageText(ImageCo).Enabled = True

 ImageText(ImageCo).Caption = Documents(DocumentCo).ImageText

 ImageText(ImageCo).Tag = 1 '**************** 1 = Ýòî äîêóìåíò

End Sub

Private Sub MenuPropertyes_Click()

 Dim temp As Integer

 If MenuFrom >= 0 Then

 If ImageText(MenuFrom).Tag = 1 Then

 temp = GetDOCIndex(ImageIcon(MenuFrom).Tag)

 ShowDocumentProperty temp

 MakeDocForm.Show vbModal

 MemberDocumentProperty temp

 ImageText(MenuFrom).Caption = Documents(temp).ImageText

 ImageIcon(MenuFrom).Picture = LoadPicture(Documents(temp).ImageIcon)

 End If



 End If

End Sub

Private Sub MenuRegistration_Click()

 RegistrForm.Show vbModal

End Sub

Public Sub Delete(Index As Integer)

 Dim a As Integer

 Dim b As Integer


 If ImageText(Index).Tag = 1 Then

 b = GetDOCIndex(ImageIcon(Index).Tag)

 For a = b To DocumentCo - 1

 LSet Documents(a) = Documents(a + 1)

 Next a

 DocumentCo = DocumentCo - 1

 End If

 For a = 0 To ImageCo

 Unload ImageText(a)

 Unload ImageIcon(a)

 Next a


 ImageCo = -1

 SaveProject App.Path & "\temp~.prj"

 LoadProject App.Path & "\temp~.prj"


End Sub


‘Make doc form code


Option Explicit

Private Sub Cancel_Click()

 Canceled = True


End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

On Error GoTo Err1

 RegDialog2.Flags = cdlOFNHideReadOnly

 If Combo1.ListIndex <> (RegistrationCo + 1) Then

 RegDialog2.Filter = "Âñå ôàéëû|*.*|" & _

 Registrations(Combo1.ListIndex).NameApp & "|" & _



 RegDialog2.Filter = "Âñå ôàéëû|*.*"

 End If


 DocumentName.Text = RegDialog2.FileName


End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

On Error GoTo Err1

 RegDialog.Flags = cdlOFNFileMustExist + cdlOFNHideReadOnly


 IconImage.Picture = LoadPicture(RegDialog.FileName)

 ImageIconText = RegDialog.FileName


End Sub

Private Sub DocumentName_Change()

 DocumentIsChanged = True

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate()

 DocumentIsChanged = False

End Sub

Private Sub OkButton_Click()

 Dim ErrorFlag As Boolean

 Dim tmp As Integer

 Dim CurObject As Object

 Dim retShell As Long

 On Error GoTo Err1

 If DocumentName.Text = "" Then

 MsgBox ("Íåîáõîäèìî çàïîëíèòü ïîëå ""Äîêóìåíò :""")


 Exit Sub

 End If

 If DocumentIsChanged Then

 ErrorFlag = False

 tmp = FileLen(DocumentName.Text)

 If ErrorFlag = True Then

 tmp = FreeFile

 Open DocumentName.Text For Output As tmp

 Close tmp

 End If

 End If


Exit Sub


 If Err.Number = 53 Then

 ErrorFlag = True


 Select Case MsgBox("Ïðîèçîøëà îøèáêà íîìåð :" & Err.Number & _

 Chr(13) & Chr(10) _

 & Err.Description, vbAbortRetryIgnore + vbCritical)

 Case vbAbort


 Case vbRetry

 Resume 0

 End Select

 End If

 Resume Next

End Sub


‘ registration form code


Option Explicit

Dim CurIndex As Integer

Private Sub Browser_Click()

 On Error GoTo Err1

 RegDialog.Flags = cdlOFNFileMustExist + cdlOFNHideReadOnly


 Path = RegDialog.FileName


End Sub

Private Sub Cancel_Click()



End Sub

Private Sub Combo1_Click()

 ShowRegCard Combo1.ListIndex

End Sub

Private Sub DestroyReg_Click()

Dim a As Integer

For a = CurIndex To RegistrationCo - 1

 LSet Registrations(a) = Registrations(a + 1)

Next a

RegistrationCo = RegistrationCo - 1

If RegistrationCo > -1 Then

 ReDim Preserve Registrations(RegistrationCo)

 If CurIndex > RegistrationCo Then CurIndex = CurIndex - 1


 CardShow CurIndex

 Combo1.ListIndex = CurIndex

 'ShowRegCard CurIndex


 EnabledAll RegistrationCo

End If

EnabledAll RegistrationCo

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate()

 EnabledAll RegistrationCo

 If RegistrationCo = -1 Then Exit Sub


 CurIndex = 0

 CardShow CurIndex

 Combo1.ListIndex = CurIndex

End Sub

Private Sub NewReg_Click()

 TotalRegCo = TotalRegCo + 1

 RegistrationCo = RegistrationCo + 1

 ReDim Preserve Registrations(RegistrationCo)


 Registrations(RegistrationCo).NameApp = InputBox("Ââåäèòå èìÿ ïðèëîæåíèÿ", , "Ïðèëîæåíèå" + str(RegistrationCo + 1))

 If Registrations(RegistrationCo).NameApp = "" Then

 ReDim Preserve Registrations(RegistrationCo)

 TotalRegCo = TotalRegCo - 1

 RegistrationCo = RegistrationCo - 1

 Exit Sub

 End If

 Registrations(RegistrationCo).TotalNumber = TotalRegCo

 EnabledAll RegistrationCo


 Combo1.ListIndex = RegistrationCo

 'ShowRegCard RegistrationCo




End Sub

Private Sub OkButton_Click()




End Sub

Private Sub Rename_Click()

 Dim a As Integer

 Dim str As String

 a = Combo1.ListIndex


 str = InputBox("Ââåäèòå èìÿ ïðèëîæåíèÿ", , Registrations(a).NameApp)

 If str <> "" Then Registrations(a).NameApp = str


 Combo1.ListIndex = a

 'ShowRegCard a


End Sub

Private Sub ShowRegCard(NumRegCard As Integer)


 CardShow NumRegCard

End Sub

Public Sub ComboRemake()

 Dim a As Integer


 For a = 0 To RegistrationCo

 Combo1.AddItem Registrations(a).NameApp, a

 Next a

End Sub

Public Sub EnabledAll(Yes As Integer)

 If Yes = -1 Then


 Browser.Enabled = False

 DestroyReg.Enabled = False

 Combo1.Enabled = False

 Rename.Enabled = False

 Path.Enabled = False

 Discrip.Enabled = False

 ListExt.Enabled = False

 Path.Text = ""

 Discrip.Text = ""

 ListExt.Text = ""

 Label1.Enabled = False

 Label2.Enabled = False

 Label3.Enabled = False

 Label4.Enabled = False


 DestroyReg.Enabled = True

 Combo1.Enabled = True

 Browser.Enabled = True

 Rename.Enabled = True

 Path.Enabled = True

 Discrip.Enabled = True

 ListExt.Enabled = True

 Label1.Enabled = True

 Label2.Enabled = True

 Label3.Enabled = True

 Label4.Enabled = True

 End If

End Sub

Public Sub CardShow(NumRegCard As Integer)

 Path.Text = Registrations(NumRegCard).FileName

 ListExt.Text = Registrations(NumRegCard).FileMask

 Discrip.Text = Registrations(NumRegCard).Discription

 CurIndex = NumRegCard

End Sub

Public Sub MemberCard()

 Registrations(CurIndex).FileName = Path.Text

 Registrations(CurIndex).FileMask = ListExt.Text

 Registrations(CurIndex).Discription = Discrip.Text

End Sub


ðèñ 1.1

Ðèñ. 2.2

Ðèñ. 3.1. Îñíîâíîå îêíî ïðîãðàììû

Ðèñ. 3.2. Ìåíþ "Ïðàâêà"

Ðèñ. 3.3. Îêíî ñâîéñòâ äîêóìåíòà

Ñòðàíèöû: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


Áûñòðûé ïîèñê

Ãðóïïà âÊîíòàêòå: íîâîñòè

Ïîêà íåò

Íîâîñòè â Twitter è Facebook

  ñêà÷àòü ðåôåðàòû              ñêà÷àòü ðåôåðàòû


ñêà÷àòü ðåôåðàòû

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Îáðàòíàÿ ñâÿçü
Ðåêëàìà è ðàçìåùåíèå ñòàòåé íà ñàéòå
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